Q & A

How much water should I use per tablet?

One tablet feeds several small plants so use as much water as needed to make that easy. We generally recommend using a small watering can or a mason jar 'amount' of water per tablet. Learn more on our blog.

How often should I feed my indoor plants?

Indoor houseplants need to be fed because your home doesn't naturally supply nutrients like the canopy of a forest would. We recommend fertilizing once every few months and more frequently when you can see your plants actively growing (making new leaves). Learn more on our blog.

What are the ingredients?

Our 100% water soluble ingredients are derived from abundant, naturally occurring minerals and an eco-friendly live fermentation of waste feedstock and molasses. instant® Plant Food contains all the essential nutrients your plants need along with trace micronutrients required for a well-rounded, healthy plant diet. Learn more on our blog.

How do I manage my subscriptions?

Use this link to Manage Your Subscriptions.

Is the packaging recyclable?

Yes. We work with an organization called TerraCycle to recycle all packaging waste we collect from our customers. Our recyclable packaging is combined with packaging waste from other companies and then processed into a raw material that is used to make products like lumber substitutes, furniture, and playground equipment. Please contact us to find out how to recycle your packaging waste. It's simple and free!

Do you sell wholesale?

Yes we do. If you are a retailer please visit our Wholesale Page to learn more about our wholesale offerings.

Interested in becoming a brand ambassador?

Please visit our Contact Page to get in touch about our influencer and affiliate programs.